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ABB 3BUS213621-001 electronic component identified Hot sales


ABB 3BUS213621-001 electronic component identified Hot sales

The ABB 3BUS213621-001 is an electronic component.

·Manager: Jinny


·Tel: + 86-18250705533 (WhatsApp)

·Wechat: + 86-18250705533

·Address: Room 609, Strait Modern City, No.510 Xin'ao Road, Xindian Town, Xiang'an District, Xiamen

    The ABB 3BUS213621-001 is an electronic component.

    1. The manufacturer of the component is ABB
    2. The product ID is 3BUS213621-001.
    3. ABB Type Designation is HKQCS PARTS ON LINE.
    4. Catalog Description: SBC Assembly



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