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An intelligent quality control method advanced image recognition

Industry News

An intelligent quality control method advanced image recognition

Enterprises all over the world are honing their competitive advantage by leaving the challenge of business process automation to image recognition software. In this feature, we will deeply study some practical applications of this pioneering technology. From recommendation based on visual affinity to supervision to public surveillance, computer vision has many meaningful applications. It's time to write it down as a buzzword. The interruption of predictive maintenance activities is one of the main reasons for the financial losses of enterprises. In other words, 82% of companies have experienced at least one outage in the past three years, losing $250000 in revenue per hour. In the manufacturing industry, downtime due to improper equipment maintenance and related human errors is not uncommon. Beyond quality control if you want to take the automation of workflow supporting computer vision to a new level (far beyond video content quality control), take advantage of its powerful functions to ensure strict compliance with regulations. With state-of-the-art content choreography, you can detect adult content, language of smoking, alcoholism, violence, racism and other sensitive topics in a short time. Automatically delete scenes that are inappropriate for political or religious reasons to safely deliver content in specific areas. Reveal the hidden dependencies between scenes and generate content recommendations based on visual affinity to improve viewer participation. In addition, this computer vision driven approach can be used to create personalized posters, generate attractive highlights, and optimize ad insertion. Finally, computer vision has helped many enterprises establish a solid foothold in today's competitive world. The company is using this technology to automate equipment monitoring, improve inventory management, provide super personalized content products and provide a perfect viewing experience. Are you ready to follow suit? 1
To avoid becoming part of these alert data, prepare a comprehensive technology centric maintenance strategy. It adopts automatic optical detection system, equipped with closed-circuit television camera and high-resolution, multi megapixel video sensor. Use artificial intelligence to accurately analyze the data collected from these sources and identify potential problems in equipment performance and production line before problems occur. This approach will enable you to proactively monitor the quality of your manufactured products, solve mechanical defects in time, and avoid unplanned failures and costly downtime. Predictive maintenance can also be used outside the industrial environment. Hospitals, sports facilities, retail warehouses, agricultural land and other places that may play an important role in computer vision driven equipment and product monitoring.
Multimedia content analysis the demand for online video content is growing, which is clearly proved by statista's report. In 2018, 85% of all Internet users in the United States watched video content on their devices every month. However, providing content alone cannot meet the growing needs of the audience. In order to dig out the real business value from this project, content producers should strive to provide a seamless and attractive viewing experience. This can be attributed to the fact that M & E represents another area where automated quality control may find its foothold. Coupled with artificial intelligence, computer vision can be used to process a large amount of media content - discover and automatically correct inconsistencies in audio, video and metadata. This workflow enables broadcasters to timely detect and isolate abnormal content, including faults, black screens and artificial text. In order to ensure the perfect delivery of content, they can use frame level deep learning method (the core is convolution long-term and short-term memory network) or unsupervised scene based content processing.