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Failure of communication between PLC and PC


Failure of communication between PLC and PC

PLC programmable logic controller: it adopts a kind of programmable memory for its internal storage program, executes user oriented instructions such as logic operation, sequence control, timing, counting and arithmetic operation, and controls various types of machinery or production processes through digital or analog input/output. communication mode Various types of PLCs on the market have their own advantages and disadvantages, which can meet various needs of users, but they are different in form, composition, function, programming, etc. There is no unified standard, and the communication protocols formulated by various manufacturers are also very different. At present, people mainly use the following three ways to realize the interconnection communication between PLC and PC: (1) The current general host computer configuration software, such as COOLMAYHMI, Kingview, InTouch, Force Control, etc., is used to realize the interconnection and communication between PLC and PC. (2) The interconnection communication between PLC and PC is realized by using the system protocol and network adapter provided by the PLC developer. (3) The standard communication port provided by the PLC manufacturer and the user-defined free port communication mode are used to realize the interconnection communication between PLC and PC. PLC and all-in-one machine cannot communicate with PC in the following cases: (1) The computer serial port is broken and can't be used (2) The USB used in the laptop is converted to 232, and the driver is not installed properly (3) The computer serial port may leak electricity, burning the PLC download protection resistor (4) The COM port on the computer hardware is not selected correctly (5) It can communicate. The communication is unstable. Check the circuit and replace the computer Summary: There are many cases where PLC cannot be downloaded. It is recommended to use the replacement method to remove the fault, such as replacing the computer, replacing the download cable, replacing the PLC, etc.