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How does the Internet of things gateway work?

Industry News

How does the Internet of things gateway work?

13 What is the gateway Gateway is the device that connects two simultaneous interpreting network segments. Gateway is usually used as the entrance and exit point of network, because all data must be communicated before or before routing. In most IP based networks, the only traffic that does not pass through at least one gateway is traffic that flows between nodes on the same local area network (LAN) segment. The main advantage of using a gateway in a personal or enterprise scenario is to simplify the Internet connection into one device. In an enterprise, gateway nodes can also act as proxy servers and firewalls. Let's take a look at it together with Yunli technology, a provider of Internet of things solutions. How does the gateway work All networks have a boundary that restricts communication with devices directly connected to it. Therefore, if the network wants to communicate with devices, nodes or networks outside the boundary, they need the function of the gateway. Gateways are usually characterized as a combination of routers and modems. The gateway is implemented at the edge of the network and manages all data directed from inside or outside the network. When a network wants to communicate with another network, packets will be delivered to the gateway and then routed to the destination through the most effective path. In addition to routing data, the gateway stores information about the internal path of the host network and the path of any other network encountered. The gateway is basically a protocol converter that promotes compatibility between the two protocols and operates on any layer of the open systems interconnection (OSI) model. What is the role of Internet of things gateway One purpose of the gateway is to create a communication link between the Internet of things environment and the cloud. Gateway Type The gateway can take many forms and perform various tasks. Examples include: Web Application Firewall: this type filters traffic from the web server and views application layer data. Cloud storage gateway: this type uses various cloud storage service API calls to transform storage requests. It allows organizations to integrate storage from a private cloud into applications without migrating to a public cloud. API, OA, or XML gateway: this type manages traffic to and from services, microservice oriented architectures, or XML based web services. Internet of things gateway: this type aggregates sensor data from devices in the Internet of things environment, converts between sensor protocols, and processes sensor data before sending forward. For example, the G1 gateway in the cloud is used to scan low-power Bluetooth devices and can be used to send communication instructions. Media gateway: this type converts data from the format required by one network to the format required by another network. E-mail security gateway: this type prevents the transmission of e-mail messages that violate company policies or will transmit information for malicious purposes. VoIP relay gateway: this type facilitates the use of ordinary old telephone service equipment, such as fixed telephone and fax machines, as well as voice over IP (VoIP) networks. In addition, service providers can develop gateways for customers. Gateways and routers are similar in that they can be used to regulate traffic between two or more independent networks. However, the router is used to connect two similar types of networks, and the gateway is used to connect two different networks. Because of this logic, a router may be considered a gateway, but a gateway is not always considered a router. Routers are the most commonly used gateways for connecting home or corporate networks to the Internet.