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MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller

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MELSEC iQ-R series programmable controller

13 MELSEC iq-r series is a revolutionary new generation programmable controller to open up a new era of automation. This series is another flagship PLC product after MELSEC q series. The basic operation processing speed (LD instruction) of MELSEC iq-r series has reached 0.98 nanoseconds, and the system bus communication speed is 40 times that of previous products. In order to win in the fierce market competition, building an automatic system with high production efficiency and stable manufacturing quality is a major goal of the current manufacturing industry. MELSEC iq-r series divides the topics put forward by customers with such needs into 7 items (production efficiency, program development, maintenance, quality, network, security and compatibility), and solves them from the perspectives of "reducing TCO", "reliability" and "inheritance (compatibility)". Productivity. MELSEC iq-r series has a newly developed high-speed system bus, which can carry out high-precision processing through synchronization between modules and synchronization between high-speed networks, and can carry out high-precision motion control through multi CPU system. It can be used as the core part of automation system to solve various problems raised by customers. Program development (Engineering). In addition to system design and programming tools, we should consider the engineering software as the core part of the operation and maintenance control system. This time, GX works3, a new generation of engineering software tailored for MELSEC iq-r series, has a variety of new functions and technologies, making the operation simple, intuitive and easy to use. maintain (maintenance). In the fierce cost competition, the improvement of production line operation efficiency is a key factor. In order to improve operation efficiency, MELSEC iq-r series has preventive maintenance to prevent accidental faults and various maintenance functions that can eliminate faults as soon as possible. These functions can shorten downtime, improve production efficiency and Maintain product quality. Quality. The quality of MELSEC iq-r series includes two aspects: one is "the product quality of MELSEC iq-r series itself" and the other is "the quality of customer manufactured products". Mitsubishi Electric has created "improving the reliability of production system" and "improving the quality of manufactured products" for users by relying on the good quality of MELSEC iq-r series cultivated from various industrial applications Two kinds of added value. Network connectivity. MELSEC iq-r series adopts SLmP (seamless message protocol: a simple client server type general protocol for communication between Ethernet products and devices supporting CC link IE) for seamless data communication, ranging from the production management layer of the whole automation system to the sensor and other device layers. Therefore, users do not need to consider the difference of network layers. Security. MELSEC iq-r series is equipped with powerful security functions such as security key authentication for protecting user programs and IP filter for preventing illegal access control system. Compatibility. When introducing new technologies into production systems, the effective use of existing assets is indispensable for today's manufacturing industry. MELSEC iq-r series can continue to use the procedures and various module assets of MELSEC q series of existing systems, ensuring high compatibility with previous products.