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Mitsubishi Electric helps abison open the prelude to intelligent manufacturing reform

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Mitsubishi Electric helps abison open the prelude to intelligent manufacturing reform

For enterprises, whether they are in the midst of changes of the times, passive coercion and hasty response, or active attack and active deployment, has become the primary feature of whether enterprises can seize the opportunity and reshape their competitiveness.
Today, Shenzhen abison optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as abison), the world's leading provider of full-color LED display applications and services, has joined hands with Mitsubishi Electric to start a new round of reform under the wave of Intelligent Manufacturing: in E- F@ctory Under the framework of concept and technology, establish an optimal system for "customer-centric" strategic service, and extend industrial chain management Break the information island, solve the problem of knowledge automation, promote production line planning, process reengineering and management optimization, and enable advanced manufacturing in the future. 28 According to market research, Mitsubishi Electric can provide the best intelligent manufacturing path. Wang Ciping, project manager of abison MES, is one of the leaders of the research group. He stressed the importance of research: "Mr. Ding Yanhui, chairman of the board of directors, advocates six core competencies: product realization, advanced manufacturing, capital, international sales, management foundation and team culture. We began to visit many enterprises and think about how to improve the level of these six core competencies. There are many schemes and ways at the manufacturing end, and we must avoid trial and error costs and implementation risks." 1 The investigation and evaluation is comprehensively scored in terms of case feasibility, brand awareness, industry applicability, team professionalism and cost elements. "Mitsubishi Electric has been unanimously recognized in the evaluation. Firstly, Mitsubishi Electric is a manufacturing enterprise with a lot of scheme output and very good results. Secondly, Mitsubishi Electric is close to abison in the industry and can better provide manufacturing experience. Thirdly, Mitsubishi Electric is a self built team with high professionalism and dedication." Wang Ziping gave Mitsubishi Electric a high evaluation. Therefore, the digital transformation for intelligent manufacturing Not long ago, with the successful exploration and practice of digital transformation, abison was selected into the "list of new leaders in China's digital transformation in 2019" released by the Global Industry Research Institute of Tsinghua University, and Ding Chongbin, vice president of abison, was also awarded the "pioneer in China's digital transformation in 2019". Our efforts have been recognized by the industry. Let's go into abison and feel E- F@ctory The power of change 2 According to Mr. Ding Chongbin, abison plans to complete the construction of "customer-centric" process organization and enter the information 2.0 era in 2020. "Intelligent manufacturing is the only way to strengthen manufacturing capacity out of strategic positioning and business needs". Customer focus is a major strategic change, which means the change of business model. The overall process starts from customer needs, feeds back to the design, R & D and production system, builds an efficient, process and data-based operation network, and carries out efficient coordination between the manufacturing site and the information system to meet the more competitive customization needs. In 2015, one year after the completion and operation of abison Huizhou Industrial Park, the management decided to start in-depth market research and select the intelligent manufacturing mode suitable for abison. Enterprise consultation is the first step of intelligent manufacturing planning and design After visiting Mitsubishi Electric's Dalian factory, Changshu factory and Mitsubishi Electric's Japanese production offices, abison signed a cooperation agreement with Mitsubishi Electric. Mitsubishi Electric is in E- F@cotry Under the framework, help abison build a blueprint for sustainable and evolving intelligent manufacturing system, provide comprehensive solutions from consulting to SCADA system, and implement fa-it and hardware import. 3 In intelligent manufacturing projects, consulting is often regarded as a part of services, and it is rare to establish a separate project for consulting. "From the internal perspective of the enterprise, abison continues to implement the information systems of various business segments from top to bottom and strengthen the order taking ability of the sales end from the main strategic channel. However, the integration of these systems requires careful deployment. We hope that independent consulting can cut in from a broader perspective and ask questions pertinently, rather than just paving the way for the later product introduction." Ding Chongbin further explained, "we hope that when making production line adjustment and system integration, we can learn from the experience in the field of Mitsubishi Motor manufacturing, introduce advanced methodologies and tools, and further improve the enterprise management ability." Zhang Jian, the person in charge of the project of Mitsubishi Electric, has become the "permanent ambassador" here. From production technology consulting, business combing and information planning to the scheme design of production line layout, business process, process combing, warehousing logistics and equipment visual management, he has undertaken the responsibilities of on-site investigation, report summary and multi-party communication, "Many colleagues from the technical department of Mitsubishi Electric have been here for many days, and Japanese experts have also come to the site for support. We hope to share Mitsubishi Electric's experience in production, manufacturing and production management to help customers solve on-site problems." Import SCADA system, e- F@ctory Promote FA and it integration FA (factory automation) and it (Information System) integration, equipment networking and digital e- F@ctory Data collection is a big problem. With the help of Mitsubishi Electric's deep industry knowledge and extensive cooperation ecology in the electronic manufacturing industry, abison has effectively solved this problem. "First, both parties determine which data needs to be collected; then, define and interpret the key parameters of the equipment; next, add automatic reading of traceability data and carry out quality control; fourth, import MC works and analyze the data to realize visual management." Zhang Jian introduced in detail the implementation steps of MITSUBISHI electric SCADA system. 4 "Mitsubishi Electric has added two-dimensional code engraving and identification equipment on the production line and added 'ID card' to the chip." Liu Lijian, leader of abison it team, introduced that the two-dimensional code contains the production information of the chip, accurately records the product information through the scanning gun at the control point, and realizes the traceability of product quality. "It can also control the process of each node in real time, prevent adverse effects caused by human factors, and stop track travel under abnormal conditions such as missing stations and repeated passing stations." ① Reading chip information by visual recognition QR code ② Chip QR code traceability production information Through the data collection, analysis and presentation of production equipment, the visualization and real-time control of equipment status, production situation, quality management, fault prevention and analysis are quickly realized in the factory, so as to achieve the objectives of planning collaboration, procurement collaboration, production collaboration and sales collaboration, and improve the upstream and downstream collaboration and overall decision-making ability of the enterprise. "E-commerce that is visual, analyzable and can be improved- F@cotry Intelligent manufacturing, "Zhang Jian proudly introduced. 1. Product information collection 2. Production visualization management Deepen cooperation and realize digital driven intelligent manufacturing On November 21, 2019, the first anniversary of the project launch and the moment when the project achieved phased results, abison held a grand project summary meeting, invited important customers, industry media, partners and the company's management to listen to the report and visit the operation effect of the plant. Undoubtedly, these successful experiences have research and reference significance for the exploration of intelligent manufacturing path. 5 Cooperative thinking 1: mutual trust and standardized implementation In the project, abison's IT department is set as the first level department, and the project is also set as the priority. At the project kick-off meeting, chairman Ding Yanhui once asked: "unless we make adjustments according to abison's products and industry characteristics, even if we cut our feet to fit our shoes, we should do it according to the system specifications". At present, the objectives of phase I project have been successfully achieved. In the future, new thinking is needed to solve a variety of problems faced by advanced manufacturing. Cooperative thinking II: cultivating talent team in actual combat Abison has trained a talent team of more than 40 people through actual combat. Wang Ziping said at the project summary meeting: "abison is good at choosing partners with the same pattern and accumulating in project practice together with excellent enterprises, which is also an important reason why abison chose Mitsubishi Electric." this is consistent with the original intention of Mitsubishi Electric. Mitsubishi Electric expects to cultivate industry talents through various channels, Provide strong support for the development of automation and the realization of intelligent manufacturing. Conclusion: In the 18 years of development, abison has constantly made innovations, taking the lead in breaking the sales mark of RMB 1 billion in the industry, accounting for more than 70% of the export share. It has set up subsidiaries in the United States, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Dubai, Russia, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, and has become a leading global provider of full-color LED display applications and services. Mitsubishi Electric e- F@ctory Based on nearly 100 years of manufacturing experience, we are committed to the deep integration of FA and it, promote the iterative update of automatic control technology, and continuously introduce AI technology, edge computing and TSN technology to realize intelligent manufacturing based on the manufacturing site and through the supply chain and engineering chain. Now, abison and Mitsubishi electric work together to consolidate the foundation of intelligent manufacturing, and will realize data-driven intelligent manufacturing in the future.