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"Professional services" to help enterprises "ride the wind and waves" in digital transformation

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"Professional services" to help enterprises "ride the wind and waves" in digital transformation

How to realize the flexibility and efficiency of enterprise operation with customized services in the whole life cycle How can enterprises break through the three major problems and enjoy the new blue ocean of digital transformation How to understand "everything serves" in the era of digital transformation 1 With "strengthening the construction of new infrastructure" becoming a national strategy, under the background of digitization, the digital transformation of enterprises began to enter a comprehensive acceleration period. On June 17, the "cloud conference" entitled "service driven industrial upgrading, a new blue ocean in the digital era" interacted with the audience online. Chen Weiwei, head of service business in China, Wang Ping, chairman of shentie Information Engineering Co., Ltd., Wu Xiaobo, vice president of Schneider Electric and director of Social Sciences Department of Zhejiang University, and Jin Mao (Shanghai) Zheng Wenming, deputy general manager of property services Co., Ltd., gathered in the cloud to jointly interpret and discuss the role and value of professional services in enterprise digital transformation. Leveraging "service" transformation has become an industry trend At present, more and more enterprises have succeeded in digital transformation with the help of "service", and the industry has increasingly recognized service institutions. According to the white paper released in April by IDC, an international data company, 89% of enterprises said that services had a positive impact and helped to achieve their goals, and 40% recognized the value of services in improving the quality and efficiency of their products. For the development of service business, Wu Xiaobo believes that under the background of digitization, service business has been given more cores and more possibilities: "in the past, enterprises only needed to do their part by talking about the industrial value chain and the connection between upstream and downstream. Now it is a value network. Enterprises should not only do themselves well, but also provide all-round accurate services." Wu Xiaobo believes that the involvement of professional service institutions is very important in this process. "It is not enough to rely on only one party for change. We need internal and external cooperation to enter a new system of CO creation, co construction, sharing and win-win." Wu Xiaobo said that enterprises need to be liberated from a closed single system in order to create value with more partners, which is also "seen" by more and more enterprise leaders. Therefore, the accelerated development of digital service market has become a trend and is moving towards the next management stage: in this stage, service institutions will increase technical investment and adjust their processes to realize remote monitoring, management and maintenance. As enterprise managers, only by changing their thinking as soon as possible and relying on "service" can they complete the digital transformation as soon as possible and maintain the competitiveness of enterprises. Help enterprises clarify the "points and aspects" on the road of transformation As leading enterprises in the field of high-speed rail and commercial construction, shentie Information Engineering Co., Ltd. and Jinmao (Shanghai) Property Service Co., Ltd. have made an early attempt and exploration of digital transformation. For example, with the efforts of Shanghai railway information, the informatization and intelligent management system of passenger transport equipment and facilities of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station has been gradually formed, and the visual monitoring of equipment operation status, equipment fault early warning and alarm, digital management of equipment maintenance and repair, etc. have been preliminarily realized; Similarly, by adding monitoring functions to the distribution system, Shanghai Jinmao building is also moving forward to intelligent buildings step by step. "Many enterprises want to connect some basic facilities and equipment to further informatization and intellectualization, so as to optimize management and provide support for decision-making, but the difficulty is that many previous informatization work are relatively independent and lack effective horizontal or vertical connection." when talking about Jinmao's experience in digital transformation, Zheng Wenming said, When carrying out digital transformation, we should have an overall awareness, not just local transformation, and connect professional talents and appropriate technical means with the help of services. As a pioneer in the digital transformation of high-speed rail, Wang Ping said that like other enterprises, shentie information had been confused during the transformation: "originally, some reform measures to adapt to the transformation actually stayed on the surface, but under the current situation, we urgently need to obtain methods and measures that can be implemented with reasonable investment." therefore, With the support of service institutions, shentie information began to restructure its digital process. "Thanks to the valuable opinions and measures provided by Schneider Electric in the transformation of distribution equipment and the operation improvement of large energy consuming equipment, shentie information has produced good economic and social benefits in the effect of equipment operation and maintenance and the accurate prediction and monitoring of equipment status." the main reason why the enterprise is in trouble in the digital transformation is "Only in this mountain, the clouds don't know where". If professional service enterprises can give a panoramic view of enterprise digital transformation and a clear transformation path to help enterprises see their own positioning, many problems can be avoided. Enhance business resilience and efficiency with customized services throughout the life cycle On the enterprise side, we should not only see the future benefits of digital transformation, but also understand the challenges and risks that will be faced in the transformation process. According to the survey data of IDC, although about 75% of enterprises have started digital transformation, only 25% of enterprises have reached a more mature level. Too many enterprises fail to transform because of insufficient preparation or ignoring potential risks It is not only the loss of manpower and capital, but also the opportunity to seize the beach and land in the Digital Blue Ocean. "Enterprises should first evaluate whether they have the appropriate level of professional skills to meet their needs, and then determine whether these tasks have made the most effective use of their internal professionals and skills." Chen Weiwei said, "If the transformation needs cannot be met, enterprises can solve the problems of unclear transformation path, internal data island, high operation cost and low transformation efficiency with the help of a comprehensive and scalable service portfolio." As a digital transformation expert in the field of global energy management and automation, Schneider Electric has been committed to digital transformation and upgrading for decades. "Digital transformation is a challenge and there will be some risks, but Schneider Electric can help customers improve the efficiency and flexibility of facility operation, reduce operational risks and achieve many achievements including reducing operating costs and capital expenditure by virtue of continuous expansion and rich industry experience and case accumulation." Chen Weiwei saidthat with customized services throughout the life cycle and extensive service portfolio, digital and remote monitoring services covering all core product areas, Schneider electric service business can meet various challenges and ensure that enterprises "ride the wind and waves" in the digital transformation.