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Siemens energy released the sustainability report for fiscal year 2021

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Siemens energy released the sustainability report for fiscal year 2021

Siemens energy released the sustainability report for fiscal year 2021. The report has a total length of 92 pages. For the sake of sustainable development, it is only published in electronic form, striving to present the company's overall performance in the field of sustainable development in a more detailed and transparent manner. This report shows the achievements of siemens energy in the field of environment, society and Governance (ESG) in the last fiscal year, and puts forward the direction of further improvement of the company. In order to fulfill its corporate responsibility and take into account the importance of the company's products and solutions to the decarbonization of the global energy system, siemens energy will disclose the emissions of products sold in the oil, gas and power business in the whole use stage ("scope III - downstream") from this year's Report. By 2030, this total emission will be reduced by nearly one third. As early as last year, the authoritative organization SBTI has certified that Siemens Energy's emission reduction targets meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement and help to control global warming within the objectives of the agreement. 1 Siemens' activities related to energy sustainable development have also been rated by CDP, an international non-profit organization, for the first time: the oil, gas and power business is rated as grade B in the rating from a to d. Siemens energy has been actively promoting its climate neutrality program. The company previously announced plans to achieve climate neutrality in its business by 2030. According to the 1.5 ° C temperature control roadmap set by the Paris Agreement, the company's absolute emissions (the sum of direct and indirect emissions from its own business activities, i.e. "scope I" and "scope II") must be reduced by 46% by 2030. Now, the company further promises to achieve this medium-term goal in 2025, five years ahead of the original plan. Siemens energy will fully realize the goal of using green energy based power as early as 2023. In fy2021, green energy accounted for 76% of the company's total electricity use. Siemens energy has also set an ambitious goal to reduce the carbon emission intensity corresponding to the procurement items belonging to "scope three - upstream" in the supply chain, and will achieve a 30% reduction by 2030. Christian Bruch, Global CEO and chief sustainable development officer of siemens energy, said: "Climate change concerns all of us. Governments, society and businesses should take joint responsibility in addressing the challenge of global warming. Despite the many goals announced and mandatory measures introduced around the world, there is no one click solution for energy transformation: we need to rely on diversified technical forces, including various gas technologies. Siemens energy's business Covering the whole energy value chain, with this advantage, we are the best partner to help enterprises achieve decarbonization. " The siemens energy sustainability report covers two business components: oil, gas and electricity (GP) and Siemens COMESA renewable energy (sgre). Siemens COMESA, as a listed company, makes independent disclosure. Therefore, this press release only presents the relevant contents of oil and gas and power business. Scope I: direct emissions from emission sources directly controlled or owned by the enterprise within the control scope of the enterprise entity Scope 2: indirect emissions from purchased power for enterprise's own use Scope 3: indirect emissions from enterprises outside scope 2, including all possible emissions from upstream and downstream of the enterprise's supply chain / value chain